when the pinkwashing doesn't work and you start saying the quiet part loud

Nah. I honestly have it pretty clearly thought out, but I don't want to do the whole "gender and identity is problematic and built out of patriarchy" bit again on here because it's controversial and it's exhausting. Identity to me is intimately connected to the dominant ideology and your relationship to it, which is often thrust upon you and not really your own choice either.

I don't really have any problem saying that most white people are really racist and probably entertain white supremacist ideas. Not because they are evil, but because until you unpack that shit and really struggle with it all the time it's impossible to not be on that ideology. It's baked into your life from the moment you are born. Same with misogyny and whatnot. Literally no one escapes ideology. That's as far as I'm going, because I don't want to get people upset at me about this. Been there. Long story: identity (so gender too) emerges from concrete social relations that are dominated by toxic, racist, imperialist, patriarchal garbage.

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