When you visited proposal offers (such as visit a guy/girls families to see if you guys are compatible) what were you judged on the most?

Haha. So its not just me!

I swear, our family, with the help of my brother wife, would draw an actual diagram about the possible seating configuration.

My sil insisted you must first serve the uncle, then my dad, now comes the dilemma - aunty or mom? Well aunty bc she's the guest, right? but what if your mom is near your dad, and your mom is across the aunty?. That's where brains short circuit and you take a leap of faith. You analyze the aunty face while you give your mom the chai. Then your mom looks at you and says to give it to the aunty first. So you go to the other side of the room and give it to the aunty. Then go back and give it to your mom. Then you give to the guy cringe and then you give to your bros. Then you give to the rest. And then you hold your own chai and don't drink it.

(Why am I giving all these details. I think I am sleep deprived and will regret this in 12 hrs)

/r/MuslimMarriage Thread Parent