When you're lying in bed at night, do you ever randomly remember some relatively minor social missteps or poorly chosen words you did/said years earlier? And then beat yourself up over it even though it really wasn't a big deal? If so, what happened?

I have many. throwaway because I’m too embarrassed.

-when I was in elementary school my parents made me wear dresses but I wanted to play kickball one day. I missed the ball and fell backwards and my feet went up in the air. It caused my dress to fly up toward my head. Everybody saw my underwear and laughed at me for a while after that.

-also in elementary school our class was on something called “silent lunch” for misbehaving in art class. Silent lunch was where no one was allowed to talk during the lunch period. I forgot we were on silent lunch and started talking to people. No one was talking back to me so I got mad and loudly said “fine! I’ll talk to myself!” The teacher then came over and said for talking through silent lunch we were now on silent lunch for the rest of the week. Everyone was mad at me.

-again in elementary school, we were in PE and had to do an activity where we all held hands. There was a boy next to me who was bullied even worse than I was at this point (my school was terrible for this) and the other kids instantly started making fun of us for holding hands and started saying how gross we were and singing that “sitting in a tree” rhyme. I wanted it to stop so I let go and refused to hold hands with anyone. The teacher then told the whole class we were getting an “F minus minus” for the day which was the lowest grade she’d ever given. Everybody blamed me for the F so I started crying so hard they couldn’t figure out what to do with me. The PE teacher made me stay behind after the rest of my class was dismissed until I could stop crying. I couldn’t stop for two periods. It was humiliating walking back into class late when they all turned to stare at me when I came in the door.

There’s plenty more but I don’t want to make this comment so long it’s unreadable. Elementary school sucked for me, middle and high school weren’t much better.

/r/AskReddit Thread