Whether 18 or 40, women who have sexual relationships with 13 year olds need to be immediately hunted down by the law and put in 20 years prison, just like when its men doing the same thing.

Any ugly below average female with 0 personality can get laid with 0 effort. If a male wants to consistently score he better be lean , lifting , confident and genetically gifted to an extent (don’t be a midget , don’t have a jaw of a female etc ).

Men never needed or depended on women for their survival, women did . This is why women are always unconsciously looking for the male with the best genetics who’ll be the most likely to survive and help her survive. While we don’t have any hard scientific evidence it’s obvious for the non biased . There’s a reason females find taller men attractive, men with bigger muscles or even bigger more defined jaw lines more attractive (in this case a good jawline is a sign of a high test male = dominant male ). Basically women are attracted to high value males , and high value males have multiple options . Whether you think it’s right or not having multiple options is attractive to females . Is it fine for men to do it and wrong for females ? Who am I to decide that . But does it turn most men off , yes it does , again whether you like it or not . Women are hypergamous and commiting is not worth it .

What men find attractive are usually signs of fertility (wide hips , “nice ass and tits brah “ etc ), we’re not attracted to the same shit . This is like a male asking a female why she’s turned of by shorter smaller men and turned on by taller bigger men, is it bullshit ? Maybe but that’s just how things are.

So yeah , it just is.

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