Whether we get refunds or not, it will send a message. Don't stop the pressure.

You are trying to make everything into extremes. Yes games that did illegal things on steam were also partly valves fault too. I'm quite happy to criticise valve too they have done some shitty things. I personally haven't been burned by valve, but their addition of refunds is still only fairly recent at all and that was unacceptable.

The point is you were acting like this was not blizzards fault at all. And it is blizzards fault too. This is not an all or nothing situation. Blizzard sold you the game though, they took and processed your money and this gives them a legal responsibility to address you properly and fairly.

You've been denied a refund by blizzard customer service employees here... Over something which is false advertising.

Just because blizzard CAN get away with breaking the law, does not mean they should do so, nor should you defend them relentlessly, or try and use whataboutism to point at other companies who do bad things too like valve.

You shouldn't be defending blizzard, they've denied you fairness. You are acting like someone with Stockholm syndrome towards them which is why I used the metaphor of abuse to try and get you to realise what you are doing.

It's entirely possible to not want to lose your games, and like those games, and still be angry and annoyed at blizzard treating you unfairly by denying your legitimate refund.

Im not saying what the best course of action is around that, that's your decision.

I'm just saying blizzard aren't innocent here, and you shouldn't defend them as such. You have every right to be angry, instead of trying to defend a company that objectively speaking on this issue has treated you badly no matter what wow bribes they try to ameliorate you with.

Aggressively responding to someone who points out you are putting up with unfairness is a classic symptom of Stockholm.

Blizzard are not your friends. You don't need to defend their honour or their track record or any such stuff.

They are a company who works towards taking your money and have clearly shown they are not above morally dubious ways of getting it in a variety of ways and partnerships.

Loot boxes in overwatch are psychologically addictive, even if they aren't pay to win. Mmo's are modelled on a skinner box also known as an operant conditioning system to try again to psychologically manipulate players into continually parting with money for increasingly diminishing rewards.

It's not wise to just categorically defend pretty much any big games company.

You could twig this, and try and break the power they have over you to manipulate you and stop pretending you need to defend their honour like a fanboy, and actually objectively realise they are absolutely in the mud here too and not immune from criticism.... And maybe use that objectivism to find some positives in reducing their influence and increasing your own happiness by taking back control for you instead of being a proxy for their interests.

Or you could get angry at the stranger on the Internet again, a person who has real feelings, a real wife, a real history of depression and has himself previously defended companies who manipulated him out of money until he realised the game they were up to and got his shit together and found more rewarding things to do than defend inethical companies who fuck him over and ask for more.

Don't do blizzards marketing and defense for them. By all means get joy from the things they do that are good sure. But don't let them be presented as purely benevolent to the world, this is part of what most big corporations want us to think and it helps them make the world that little bit worse for us in a series of ways whilst that little bit more money goes to them step by step.

Don't be the frog in the sauce pan. Don't help others be it either.

Maybe this isn't your personal "line in the sand" moment or issue, no biggie.

But at least recognise that this isn't all black and white yeah?

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