Which is the best HBO's TV show of all time?

Yeah, totally. It's not inherently a bad thing when a show changes or evolves, but it does kind of feel like the main focus has disappeared. You could tell the interviews and just by watching the show that it was very much based around this whole dichotomy of being very good at doing something that harms you, and all the ways performance can be this poisonous thing that can be abused or turned into escapsim. By playing simplified and at times "better" people in the characters they'd play, they could distance themselves from reality. It was pretty interesting, and the comparison between chasing an acting dream and being a Hitman for hire was pretty creative, as well as just a funny premise in general.

Then yeah, it just kind of turned into a more basic drama. Like almost all of that commentary has disappeared. If someone started watching in season 3, they wouldn't even pick up on those themes because they basically aren't there anymore.

I'm also not crazy about how much focus there is on NoHo Hank. Apparently I'm in the minority there. Hank is a funny character when used sparingly, but now so much of the show is about him and Cristobal and gang wars that it, again, just feels like a totally different show. It's kind frustrating. Feels like they had a really really solid premise starting out and then just gradually started forgetting what made the show so special in the first place.

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