which cartoon character do you think would be listed as a sex offender in real life? and why?

I remember there was a big stink on social media about Pepe Le Pew not appearing in Space Jam 2: the Search For More Money because of his creepy habits, despite there being a brief cameo of the Droogs from A Clockwork Orange, who are literal rapists who force themselves on a woman in one scene.

Many called it hypocritical, but to be fair, A Clockwork Orange played that scene totally straight, framing it as a grotesque act by horrible people to establish the Droogs as hedonistic sociopaths, whereas Pepe Le Pew's cartoons play his forceful advances and the cat's fear and discomfort for laughs, which is pretty tasteless regardless of what era it comes from. Both scenes are uncomfortable to watch and A Clockwork Orange is definitely morally worse, but at least its honest about it.

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