Which humiliated celebrity do you think deserves a second chance at fame, fortune and popularity?

Firstly, no, I don't really class that as an exaggeration.

We have a different understanding of an exaggeration.

The rest of your comment is only barely understandable to me.

Shame for both of us.

I simply made a counterpoint to you,

You haven't. I'm not doubting Corey's side. That was not my point. Unless he actually said MJ is one of the only people in Hollywood who hasn't abused anyone. But I don't believe he did.

no ill-will intended

I took none, until now.

you get all martyrdom-complex on us. That's interesting. For values of 'interesting'. And honestly that whole 'minorities' thing? Dafuq are you on about?

Ever tried to be critical of Red Dead Redemption or just show a sign of optimism for that Diablo phone game on r/gaming? Or tried to say anything positive about Walking Dead on r/television? Tried to show any resemblence of criticism to any following on reddit? You'll almost always be fucked when you find yourself as a devil's advocate on a massive following like this. No matter if you just point out a mere semantic issue like me or go full EA.

I recently used the same argument about the Apu-controversy on two occasions. On the first occasion it was well received, on the second it was badly received. My arguments were practically the same, but the existing vibe controlled its rating. Actually, I'm starting to believe that the first 2-5 votes control where the majority of the rest of the votes will go. This is what "dafuq" I'm on about.

But in any case, I'm done here. I got what I was expecting and that's that. Poked this beehive long enough.

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