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Top model/units by faction, as far as I can tell. This doesn't include upcoming releases: Cygnar Warcasters: eHaley Siege eCaine eStryker Units: Gun Mages + UA Black 13th Solos: Squire Journeyman Warcaster Jacks: Stormwall Hunter Thorn Ol' Rowdy Khador Warcasters: Butcher3 eSorscha pVlad Units: Winterguard + UA + Rocketeers Iron Fang Pikemen + UA or Black Dragon UA Solos/UA: Kovnik Joe Valachev War Dog Jacks: Spriggan Beast 09 Conquest Devastators seem to be on the rise, especially with Butcher3 Cryx Warcaster: pSkarre pDenny eDenny eGaspy Goreshade 3 Mortenebra (if your name is Tom Guan) Units: Bane Thralls + UA Bane Knights Bane Riders are on the upswing Satyxis Raiders + UA Satyxis Blood Witches + UA Solos/Attachment: Satyxis Raider Captain Warwitch Siren Bane Lord Tartarus Darragh Wrathe Skarlock Thrall Jacks: Nightwretch/Deathripper Helldiver Deathjack Protectorate of Menoth Warcasters: Harbinger I'd list more, but I haven't seen them taking top tables too much recently, and I've heard they've moved away from pSevy and pKreoss. I hear eKreoss tier is becoming more popular as well. Any Menoth players want to update? Units: Exemplar Errants + UA Exemplar Bastions Holy Zealots +UA Choir of Menoth Solos: Exemplar Errant Seneschal Exemplar Bastion Seneschal Vassal Wracks Jacks: Reckoner (to the point that it's not uncommon to see 2 of them) Avatar of Menoth Vanquisher Devout Battle Engines: - Vessel of Judgment Retribution of Scyrah Warcasters Issyria eVyros Ossyan Kaelyssa (in tier) Units: Dawnguard Invictors + UA Houseguard Halberdiers + UA Mage Hunter Assassins + UA Solos: Arcanist Houseguard Thane The Eiryss models are technically mercenaries, but have the Retribution partisan rule, so count as being in faction when taken in Ret Jacks: Hyperion Imperatus Phoenix Griffon Banshee Convergence of Cyriss Warcasters: Lucant Syntherion Axis? Units: Reciprocators Eradicators Obstructors Optifex Directive Solos: Attunement Servitors Reflex Servitors Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex Enigma Foundry Jacks: Easier to list which don't see much play: Galvanizer and Mitigator. All other jacks regularly find their way into lists. Battle Engines: Transfinite Emergence Projector - I must stress this one, you will see it in a lot of convergence lists. Mercenaries Warcasters: Ossrum Don't know Mercs that well, don't know who else gets taken much. Ashlynn? Units: Boomhowlers Nyss Hunters Alexia & Risen Forge Guard Solos: pEiryss eEiryss Gorman Rhupert Jacks: Galleon Ghordson Earthbreaker (w/Thor Steinhammer) Now for hordes: Trollbloods Warlocks: pDoomshaper (Runes of War tier primarily) eGrissel Calandra (often in tier with 11 elemental trolls) eGrim Units: Warders Champions w/ Skaldi Krielstone Bearer w/ UA Solos: Chronicler Janissa Beasts: Earthborn Dire Troll Axer Mulg Various elemental trolls w/ Calandra tier Circle Orboros Warlocks: Bradigus (in tier w/ 6 woldwatchers and 1-2 wold guardians) Kromac eKrueger eMorvahna Units: Druids Shifting Stones (with or without UA) Various Tharn units Skinwalkers Solos: Druid Wilder Lord of the Feast Blackclad Wayfarers are on the rise with the nerf to shifting stones Gallows Grove Beasts: Gorax Woldwarden Warpwolf Stalker Ghetorix Megalith Legion of Everblight Warcasters: eVayl eLylyth eAbsylonia Saeryn Units: Warspears w/ UA and sometimes Warmonger War Chief Spawning Vessel Solos/Attachment: Shepherd Forsaken Spell Martyr Succubus Beasts: Shredder Harrier (usually created by Spawning Vessel) Bolt Thrower Raek Angelius Ravagore Scythean Typhon Zuriel Skorne Warlocks: One of the Makedas, can't remember which (thinking Makeda1, but may actually be Makeda2) Mordikaar pXerxis (in tier) Units: Cataphract Units, mainly Cetrati (often with Tyrant Vorkesh) and frequently Incindiarii Nihilators Paingiver Beast Handlers Tyrant Commander Bloodrunners are becoming more popular with Mordikaar Solos/Attachment: Agonizer Extoller Willbreaker Marketh Beasts: Krea Drake Cyclops Raider Titan Gladiator (you will almost always see this guy) Bronzeback Titan Molik Karn Tiberion Minions Warlocks: Rask? Units: Gatormen Posse Solos: Wrong Eye & Snapjaw Saxon Orrik Feralgeist? Beasts: ??? Battle Engines: Sacral Vault (this thing is actually pretty scary)

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