White Knight boyfriend is actually Monty Python's Black Knight; loses limb after limb and doesn't know when to shut up and listen.

Well, I'm going to be completely honest, I've never heard it called skeezy or especially "abusive" for a 15 and 18 year old to be dating. I've never even thought of there being anything wrong with it, and none of the posts here have changed my mind.

You're correct, just because something is common doesn't make it right, but I'm standing by my original statement that this is just one of those "reddit opinions" that doesn't line up with the "real world."

Maybe it has something to do with how your high school operated as well. Back when I was in school, there were probably three or four classes a year that were mixed between sophomores, juniors, and seniors. In a school where each grade was much more separated, perhaps it causes different feelings. For us back in high school though, being in class with, being friends with, and dating, was common among 15-18 years old. Maybe now as an adult I could see a maturity difference in 15 vs. 18, but I didn't back then.

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