Who are your villagers and why do you love them? What are the themes tying together regions of your island??

My villagers are Diva the frog, Lyman the koala, Tabby the cat, Marina the octopus, Zucker the octopus, Tex the penguin, Lobo the wolf, Olivia the cat, Cherry the dog, and Rex the lion.

Diva and Lyman were my starting two that I originally weren't fond 9fl but they have grown on me haha.

Tabby was my first Nook ticket villager and I had her in my first new leaf town so I had to invite her. Marina was my second ticket villager and I never had an octopus before; I give her pink gifts every day for no reason, just has become a daily tradition, haha. Zucker was my third ticket and I thought he and Marina would look cute living next to each other near my big lake.

Tex was my first camper. For some reason, every time I see him, he is sitting down eating a lollipop. I've never seen his house because he is never inside... it has been days haha.

Lobo, Cherry, and Olivia are my favourite villagers from new leaf and are scanned from my amiibo cards. I think it is funny how Lobo always complains like an old man. He goes on patrol around the island and reads often. Cherry and Olivia are my most recent arrivals.

Rex is my random villager who moved into a spare plot that I left open to the game's choice. He never comes out of his except recently to visit Olivia.

I'm not doing a theme except make a nice looking island villager since I just got terraforming, haha.

/r/AnimalCrossing Thread