The whole “you shouldn’t ask a woman her age because it’s rude” thing is so childish to me and it just doesn’t make sense.

I hate people asking my age and always have. I look younger than I am, but that’s not a point of pride for me or anything. When I was a 20-something married active duty military member, I was deeply insulted by a higher ranking guy who asked when I was going to “pop” and told me he thought I was 16. I was IN UNIFORM at the time. Fuck you, Major.

A couple years ago I was out for a dinner with a group of women. Someone brought along a friend I had never met and as we were talking about our kids I mentioned the ago of mine. She goes, “what were you, 12?”, and not in a nice way. It ruined the entire evening for me.

Fuck people who do this shit. It’s not flattering and is usually not meant to be.

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