Who's that one coworker you can't stand and why?

This girl started at my work with no experience. She would just walk around all day with a piece of paper pretending she was busy but then at the end of the day said "i have done nothing all day and nobody said anything. I can obviously get away with alot here."

Knew her 2 days and out of nowhere says "this guy is messaging me and i can't remember if i sucked his dick or not." And told me that her previous boss gave her and her other coworker a check list of places to have sex. And whoever gave it back to him with them all checked off won.

Speaks to her boyfriend like he is a piece of shit. And just talks herself up all the time... isn't it tiring having to tell everybody how good you are all the time!? It's like she tries to impress everybody but nobody is impressed.. just stop. I always catch her out contradicting herself when she talks about how good she is.

And when i ask her about a job that she fucked up and ask if she did something she says "that was my next port of call" but it obviously wasn't because the customer has already been and gone for her to be able to do it and she can't take responsibility for her fuck ups she always has some sort of excuse or say that was her "next port of call."

I try to give her some helpful ideas on how to do things and she gets this shitty attitude towards me like i just scolded her like a child that has done sonething wrong.

Pretty much she is everything described in that "what makes somebody a douchebag?" askreddit.

If this person reads this they will definitely know who i am. Hahaha.

/r/AskReddit Thread