Who's your favorite player that's not on your favorite team?

Disclaimer: I'm currently procrastinating studying for finals and writing a huge research paper so this is way too long of a response. I probably have a problem.

Yep, I agree with that. And the Seahawks pretty much always back what they say up, and that's pretty damn respectable. But there's a difference between having respect when a team backs up what they say, and actually enjoying the cockiness to begin with, you know?

Just as examples, teams like the Patriots, Packers and maybe the Steelers to a lesser extent have all shown that being less outspoken and more professional on and off the field is a tried and true way to build the foundation of an organization. Year after year teams like Rex's Jets take the league by storm but they always seem to burn out in a storm of reality show level drama. "The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long" and all of that.

Basically It's good to take pride in what you do, and when you experience new success no one can blame you for letting it go to your head because really t hat's just human nature. By that I mean I'm not morally judging any team for being cocky (and not just the Seahawks), I'm just saying don't expect everyone to stay so understanding when you have continued success and stay cocky about it. Everyone likes an underdog story and constantly putting a target on your back for no reason will make a pretty juicy narrative when you finally aren't the underdog anymore.

To use them as am example again, Look at the 2007 Pats. As a Pats fan myself I admit we did get cocky there at the end of the season, and I remember thinking to myself if we lost it it was going to be so much worse because literally every non-patriots fan in America hated us. And let me tell you, going back to school after that game was a living hell.. It was so bad that the entire fan base is still trying to live it down almost a decade later..

Hopefully that's all agreeable and made sense, and maybe an outside perspective can help Seahawks fans understand a bit more why other fans always seem to hate on them so much. Anyway, I guess need to try and use some of this productivity towards writing a non football related essay...that I probably could have finished by now... Smell ya later

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