WIBTA if I banned my husbands ‘sleepovers’?

NAH I totally get where you're coming from. My fiance is from BFNowhere. I'm from suburbia/city life. I'm used to not much drinking, or at the least being sober enough to come home. He's... Not. When the boys get together, they drink and play games until 4am. I'm not gunna stop that from happening, I doubt he'd listen to me even if I tried haha. My rule for peace of mind is that he needs to text me when he knows where he's spending the night. He also wants me to have that peace of mind once I explained that I worry he's lying dead in a soy bean field. He thinks I'm exaggerating and it's not a big deal (again, different worlds colliding!), but it's the agreement we've reached.

Is this an arrangement that would work for you? I know you said no charger, but asking him to bring a charger is a more reasonable request than asking him to not hang out with his friends.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread