Will there be Neanderthals is Heaven?

You literally did not read my comment, did you?

  • The laws of physics are based on the four fundamental fields that make up the universe, which have had no evidence on changing.
  • If the laws of physics changed as time went on, we would actually see this happening (because you can look through your telescopes to see galaxies from billions of years ago. Surprise surprise, they look as if they were made from our laws of physics)
  • I don't know why your bringing up the flood, but that's already been disproved, even by Bill Nye. The Bible says that the waters from the flood rise up beyond the tallest mountains, which would have killed everything (fresh waters mix with salt, humans cant survive that high up, etc) Noah's ark is one big fallacy.

I don't know why you ignored my points, you didn't talk about a single one of them. Please be sure to address all of my claims this time.

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