I WILL unsupport and idol if their fans are annoying

If I’m a causal listener of idols but I hate/dislike their fans then I stop listening to their music completely. But obviously if I’m like a huge fan of your work, or a stan, then fans won’t matter I’ll still support.

I can understand if it’s an artist someone didn’t pay attention to beyond listening to some songs but if it’s an artist they claim to stan, respect, care about and love I think those type of fan’s interest was mainly superficial from the start (which is fine but that’s a whole other conversation of how people self-proclaim they stan idols when really they’re just casual listeners).

Overall though I don’t understand people who “unstan” because of fans since I see it as valuing fans over music/musicians you love. But I do understand if it’s artists you never claimed to care about to begin with.

/r/unpopularkpopopinions Thread