Woman smokes medical marijuana for cerebral palsy. Difference in her speech is night and day

Cannabis OBVIOUSLY has so many medical and social benefits for millions of people and has virtually no medical detriments for responsible users in their 20s and up for sure.

The fact that it is illegal shows that we can't become complacent and be taught that we live in the "ideal society." There are so many things wrong with our culture including the government telling its citizens what it can and cannot do with absolutely harmless plants. The DEA and countless drug corporations, lobbyists, and politicians continue to make money by keeping it illegal. And it also fuels for-profit prison systems. Literally hundreds if not thousands of harmful drugs could probably be replaced with various forms of cannabis use.

My views on cannabis went from basically not existing to me being incredibly for its legalization after I was diagnosed with cancer in 2015. While some of the serious things like hard-core anti-nausea drugs during chemos can't be completely replaced by cannabis, I will say that it can definitely replace a lot of the drugs I and others are given that attempt to provide some relief, but actually make things worse. The government and corporations successfully stigmatized cannabis and millions of people still believe it actually is incredibly dangerous and on the level of things like Heroin. These same people don't understand it literally, for most people that I've ever heard of, does virtually no damage to the human body (especially if you don't smoke it) and instead definitely has medical benefits and social benefits. It makes people calmer and more empathetic which is something we desperately need right now more than ever. It will only benefit society as a whole when it's made legal everywhere.

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