Woman won’t let kid into the pool. His mom steps in.

I had a bitch try to do this with my nieces after I gave them my key to an APARTMENT COMPLEX pool lmao

The lock on the stupid gate was constantly broken so it hardly ever worked for anyone, so she used that as an excuse to be all Karen about it and didn't help them get in. She questioned them about what unit they lived on and everything. Obviously they didn't know.

I really didn't wanna be in the fucking sun that day, but when they came back with their story all disappointed they couldn't get in I went right the fuck over there, opened the gate, put a rock in the way to leave it open and sat down right by it letting everyone in with a smile on my face while I enjoyed some beers.

All the bitch did was give me dirty looks until she left a bit later. I don't know what I would have done if she so much as breathed on them too hard. I don't know how this woman didn't drown that Karen in the jacuzzi.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Link - v.redd.it