Do women think being a man is easy?

As a trans man, I never thought being a man was easy. Maybe it's because I'm freakishly short - even as a woman because I am so short that if my bodily proportions weren't fairly average I would be classified as having dwarfism - I had to work a lot harder to get anyone to treat me like I was anything other than a stupid child. I dreaded having to face up to the fact that I was a trans guy. Because first just a little bit taller (5'6 instead of 5'3), had waist length blonde hair, and decided to maybe wear a dress once in a while, I would have the world in the palm of my hand. Men would be falling over me left and right, every woman would want to be my friend and think I was cool, it would be easiest fuck to get a job, I would automatically be well liked in the community by default,I wouldn't automatically be looked on as a threat, and my family would be proud of me and think I was oh so classy. But there's that pesky sex dysphoria I didn't know how to get rid of. I dreaded having to acknowledge my own dysphoria because I knew that as a man I would automatically be held to a higher standard for everything. No, I never thought being a man was easy. I just haven't been given much of a choice in the matter.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread