Women of reddit, What is the biggest mistake men make when they approach you?

Okay, but in addition to the current top rated response to you, you have absolutely no idea of how many ice cold, might as well have stab me in the windpipe shutdowns we've gotten before we get that single "Hi" or a decent conversation. When the run of the mill "Nice Guy" finally gets a decent conversation out of a woman he has no fucking clue what's going on. He's absolutely blinded by his emotions and every single sensor running full steam.

"Should I this, should I that, well no ill just stay here, but wait last time I stayed it put me in the "friendzone" Oh cool she's making indications to me, fuck she's trying to back pedal out of the conversation and now I'm embarassed. She gave me her phone number!!!! YES!! "Bye, see ya later" Wait... what the hell just happened?"

I feel for beautiful women, I couldn't imagine what it's like being approached by hundreds/thousands of shitbag suitors by the time I'm 25, but I can imagine what it's like to overcome ever obstacle and emotion inside my body just to say "Hi" only to be told repeatedly that I'm not good enough to even make small talk with. I'm worth dirt. You think I'm some kind of psychopath and the weak guys let that destroy them, other weak guys say "How dare you?!"

But you may dare, because the struggle to make opposite sex company in its own way is on fairly even grounds. People just have absolutely no idea how to tolerate it. Times have changed so much and yet our circuitry is the same, our roles have no identity anymore, the world expects normal social interaction to train us, but it only drives the socially inept further apart.

I would be sorry for the rant, but these questions are always "Women how do we this" "Men how do we that" and it doesn't solve a god damn thing because at the end of the day we have no idea what we want outside of lust and marginally no understanding of each other because both sides stick to barking orders back and forth instead of making mutual understandings.


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