Women's brains found to be hardwired to laugh at funny men

I don't know about you, but I don't know many men with extreme mental illnesses.

I just said I know two. And a couple of women with them, but I don't know about extreme mental illnesses. Not like the guys. So, it was an example I thought you could understand since, not even in your mind could the LEAST stable guy I know be less stable than the most stable woman I know. Or even a moderately stable woman I know.

No, I don't, at all, have to find an "unlikely" male example to do this. It's actually NOT that unlikely that a male with have a mental illness. By any stretch of the imagination. Or a man who will have had an unstable past, a dysfunctional childhood, a drinking problem, a drug problem or any of the above.

Men actually have more drug and alcohol related illnesses. They are also more likely to be homeless, and commit suicide. If you need links I can provide them.

If you need statistics on mental illnesses as well, I can provide those. If you know 20 people, you surely know someone with a mental illness of some kind. They just hide it well. Now, that's statistically speaking. Maybe YOU don't. I don't know. Think that would make you and your friends outliers.

You are way more likely to know a man who is less stable than the most stable woman. It's unfortunate as fuck. So many men go undiagnosed with mental illnesses because either they don't get help or medical staff won't catch it because men aren't supposed to have feelings. Again, just statistically speaking.

Again, in terms of stability, I'm using the things a psychological professional would use as a benchmark: Ability to keep a job, alcohol abuse, relationship (not always romantic) stability, sleeping issues, eating issues, overall feelings of satisfaction.

And I'm not saying women overall are more stable than men. But that your statement was not believable if you're talking about stability. At all. Nor is that argument sustainable.

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