The word "apology" isn't in the scriptures.

Bill, how do you reconcile the fact that a senior prophet, seer, and revelator is saying things that you disagree with? Isn't the idea of modern prophecy that we change our opinions to fit what current leadership tells us?

This is where I fall down, personally. As a TBM, I felt a sort of vindication when they updated the header text to OD2, and I enjoyed the article on on the topic of race and racism. However, why would inspired leaders, acting under direction from the Lord, ever lead the people astray so badly in the first place? Why is it ok for current leaders to disavow so many clearly racist teachings. People on both sides of this issue are unhappy. As I said, I feel vindicated that what I always felt about race has been expressed by current leadership. People I know who like the idea that whites are better than blacks, however, aren't happy with it and feel that leadership is just giving lip service to current political trends. Both sides wonder why such an important position can be changed so dramatically. Doesn't the Lord set the morals? It seems an awful lot like the Lord (or just some old men sitting around a table) follow popular trends, though well behind the times and only when forced by societal rejection.

As a TBM I made the case several times that the men who lead the church do so through the filter of their own intellect and experience. This explains why it was really OK for Brigham Young and even Joseph Smith to be racist. If that's the case thought, how to we take seriously anything they say? Everything they say, even really important things like denying a certain race access to priesthood blessings, goes through their own biases. Years ago it was that blacks had the curse of Cain and weren't worthy of the priesthood. They barely kept their first estate so they deservedly get screwed over in their second estate. Today it's the idea that LGBTs are an abomination - we should somehow love them while reserving the right not to serve them or in our restaurants or sell them our goods. How can that be seen as anything other than another round of very thinly veiled hate speech? One that history tells us well be disavowed anyway by some future prophet.

I know that this sounds like I'm trolling, and if you look at my comment history you'll see that I'm mostly active in /r/exmormon with this account. I'm wrestling with activity in the church and feeling like a lot of what I've believed my whole life isn't real. I'm actually a premium subscriber to your podcast, though lately I've moved away from apologetics toward unbelief.

/r/latterdaysaints Thread