Workers of reddit, have you ever been prompted to quit your job right on the spot? Not like a two weeks notice, just a "I quit!" and walk out the door? If so, what happened?

This happened in February.

I relocated to Colorado for a job in November of 2015. It was a rocky start. I knew immediately I was going to hate who I was working for. About 3 days into it I told him I was done and headed back to Utah. Well, I didn't have any other options and had been unemployed for a while so I stuck it out. The dude was a complete asshole to work for. It took me months to get on his good side, even though I had no idea what I was doing wrong. Some days I was his best friend, other days I was his doormat. I think he's bipolar. When it gets busy his temper is off the charts. I noticed this pattern in the beginning. I stuck it out until February and knew that day was my last day since I had to directly work with him. He was micromanaging everything I did, throwing shit, acting like the cunt he usually was. Didn't like the way my truck looked, and didn't accept my defense I put in two 90+ hour weeks back to back, tells me I didn't care about the job. The fury in his eyes because I didn't say yes sir, or whatever he wanted was enough. I got sick of him treating me like shit. He screwed us over so much, taking away an hour of travel pay which he didn't have to do to keep work with the client, our company charged less than everyone else anyway. So some days Id be out for 13 hours and get paid for 10 cause I had to pick up a guy for work. Getting shorted on hours and dealing with that kind of treatment? Yeah, basically turned into a yelling match and telling him that he's the biggest piece of shit manager I've ever worked for. From shitty business decisions to him just sounding like a hypocritical idiot when he's spouting off about what a good christian he was to going off on how he hated black people the next minute. I went from getting a text two weeks before getting fired saying he'd make me employee of the month if he could since I busted my ass, to being told I don't care about my job. Enough was enough. Fuck you Wade!

/r/AskReddit Thread