Workers of reddit, when have you said "Fuck this, I quit"?

Serving a busy bar in upscale restaurant. Got run ragged by two women who showed up in a Mercedes convertible and fancy clothes, discussing their current shopping excursion. They tipped horribly after all the work and nothing I could tell had gone, even though drinking iced tea to the point they should've drowned, those cups stayed full, food was on time, they said everything was great, etc etc.

They paid right at shift change and I went into team meeting to learn about the night's special. Saw the terrible, insulting tip and just couldn't take it. (If something had gone wrong, or had any inclination there was a problem, ok, cool, but no.)

As the manager was starting the spiel, I got up, took off the long apron we wore and placed it on the table, said i'm done and left. Vowed to never work in service again.

/r/AskReddit Thread