Why in the world is TSM having Bjergson play Cho'Gath most of the time???

against fnatic should've picked Leblanc first rotation and let febiven counter it and with a lane swap allow Santorin to counter dives and gank mid with uncontested farm on turtle. Vs skt shouldve banned gnar Marins good at gnar if you are going to leave reksai up bengi will pick it not sej leave it for Santorin is better sej then Gragas imo especially with ziggs kalista the ult has better synergy locking them down then displacing them, vs ahq first pick maokai or reksai with scouting they should know mountain loves reksai why give it away, counter pick westdoor by early picking fizz mid corki ad for mixed in magic damage so if fizz builds ad there's magic damage and physical on both carries (pick order should've been reksai fizz corki sion and thresh) lane swap so they can't heavily gank for an so he cannot get fed have dyrus farm up under turret and ward the side he's on so they can't keep diving him he can catch up or play gnar if they pick reksai and just farm and leave to gromp/ krugs leaves less for santorin so he can gank mid or dive the maokai we have up for reksai, vs edg didn't watch also didn't watch vs BJK pissed about fnatic game. I also think bjerg should've played more range champs then melee as faker said he's vulnerable to ganks so if he's ranged he can stay back a bit aka Leblanc when up, azir, ziggs, Jayce, cassio, tf, urgot maybe in the right comp, ap corki mid maybe and maybe toss in ap kog if you get the right comp and turtle should've played more Lucian not kalista safer pick no need to try and show off you can rek na with it not top of other regions, lustboy could've played Janna against ahq which would've made more sense if they had turtle play Lucian and Janna bot as well so they can farm and disengage better against an aggro style team, also if they insisted on kalista play Kennen again good synergy, Santorin needs to play early game junglers if he can get them so he can take over the lanes take outer towers take dragons and enemy blues because of the mid lane strength in this tournament and also focus on vision around the map with double sightstone and upgrade ur god damn trinkets early for fucks sake don't wait around get some god damn vision

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