Would anyone be interested in protesting Reddit's HQ tomorrow afternoon

I'd like to also point out a few observations:

  1. The OP wanted to go down tomorrow afternoon, seemingly ignorant of the holiday. This, to me, indicates that OP most likely does not work full-time. OP could have a part-time job of some sort that stays open, like food service, but even then - wouldn't they at least know of possible staffing changes due to expected increased/decreased demand? I personally don't know anyone who works full-time going in to work tomorrow, beyond a few attorneys... and even then, it's just a court day. WCAB is open, for example, AFAIK.

  2. The planning is half-baked, and juvenile at best. Uses a lot of the same wording used during the last overwhelmingly annoying "reddit protest" - "Chairman Pao" for example. Searching through OP's history shows that OP was also really upset about the removal of the FPH subreddit, something that was completely overblown.

  3. OP didn't even properly research anything, like where the office would be located, or the fact that this is a holiday coming up and most offices would be closed.

I propose that this, and the cascading "protests" like this, are a result of Summer Reddit and tons of kids/teenagers being out for the summer with nothing to do. They see a bandwagon to hop on, and ride it, pitchforks in end, to the very end.

I could have sworn that a few weeks ago people were insanely upset because moderators were power-tripping, or something. I don't keep up with the stupid drama because this is how I waste time at work and pass my time on the toilet. Now, suddenly, everyone is in solidarity with moderators and attacking a different group of people. Perhaps in a month or so, people will get really mad because some other mostly benign thing happens, and we'll be stuck with another few days of bored summer Reddit bringing awful shit to the front page until the evening comes and more people get off of work and get actual content rolling again.

A few subreddits had to temporarily shut down to figure out what they were going to do, because a Reddit employee was let go. As far as I can tell, that has been ironed out for the most part and now the healing (should) begin. In the end, though, what will probably happen is the website will be filled with circlejerk-ish bullshit through the weekend before making a steady recovery on Monday and Tuesday.

Isn't the Eternal September great?

/r/sanfrancisco Thread Parent