Would if I could

Fellow okie here, feel your pain.

At an old job I worked at, I would cover pretty much any dropped shift along with my regular shifts, even if it meant working 14 hrs straight with no real breaks. And I regularly gave up my days off.

My hours got cut because someone else said they weren't getting enough hours to support their kid. That same person also no showed for half of the shifts they already got, no showed for even more shifts once they got my hours. That same person wouldn't do anything outside of sitting behind the counter and reading magazines and running the register. I cleaned, could take care of the entire store's stock weekly order, take care of expired goods, planograms, training, filling in for other departments, and everything else under the sun.

They struggled so hard to figure out why they couldn't keep good help. The final straw for me was when I went through training to become certified so I could move into another position there that offered better pay, but was willing to still cover stuff in my old role. They hired another person that ended up dumped up front with me and never let me go into the new role because I was "too good to let go".

You don't fucking hold back people that do well. You'll lose them regardless.

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