WOW. Before the "Bernie Bro," Clinton supporters created the "Obama boy." No, seriously.

Yes and no. Problem is there are too many articles that act like they've done award winning research (hey, there's this candidate I don't like, and most of my friends probably aren't for him either, and this is my only exposure to Sanders supporters, look at these 3 Reddit posts!) while failing to really ask the important questions ("why do misogynistic Bernie supporters like super-feminist Bernie?") and figure out how many of the Sandersites are really launching these attacks (much less how many are men). BernieBros is a legitimate thing and that needs to be addressed, but I don't know that they make up a lot of our male numbers. I hope not.

My personal theory is that a lot of the supporters who do employ sexist rhetoric hated her first and possibly have less loyalty to the party / government as we know it (I just think going from Bernie to the Republicans as a democrat is a much bigger policy leap). So she's not going to get those voters to begin with. She's also winning in the older groups, and the dismissive tone these articles take does remind me of something I'd hear from someone older than me in the sense that it fits their worldview of "today's youth."

To me the most deplorable thing is the BernieBabes change of agenda. Not because you can't have women who are sexist, but because it changes the rhetoric from "maybe BernieBros are a small part of his diverse group of supporters" to what was intended by the allegations that Bernie has a gender issue, which is "anyone who supports Bernie Sanders is a shit person." And it also just personally pisses me off for reasons you've seen circulated on Reddit -- he's got a beautiful record for giving a shit about people, and that includes women, and not just for the sake of snagging a vote. Call Sanders supporters idealists, but god, we're not stupid, and women can take the initiative with their politics. They don't need to be erased from a candidates' numbers, deserve to have their participation acknowledged, and deserve the dignity of the assumption that they're not simply following men.

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