WoW Hotfixes - Updated November 16 - MoP mount drop rates buffed

Getting the mount on your first kill has a 0.05% drop chance, that is virtually impossible to happen. That's also just one mount, collecting all 5 of the world boss mounts was a hard thing to do. Are you in the mount collecting community? Because I am, and I have over 700 mounts collected on a single character - that puts me in the top 350 worlwide for mounts collected. I know about 20 people with the Sha mount, and most of them got the mount in over 4000+ attempts, a small group got it in about 2000, and only one of them got it in less than 100 attempts. The world boss mounts were hard to get and extremely rare because of their drop rate. As a matter of act, if you'd like data, 0.6% of the entire playerbase had Sha, 0.4% had Nalak, 0.7% had Galleon, 1.2% had Oondasta, 0.88% had Ruhkmar. The amount of people who had all 5 of them was probably a vanishingly small number.

And no, the hours I spent farming weren't wasted because I spent all of them AFK while making dinner or watching TV, I didn't stare at a boss' corpse for 15 mins for 5 hours straight. If you farmed them that way, then it's no wonder you gave up farming them. Farm smarter, not hardder.

If you're in the mount collecting community, and you know anything about drop rates, you know that obtaining 4 mounts with a 1/2000 drop rate and a 1/500 drop rate mount is something that's extremely hard to do. It does not require SKILL, but it is not EASY. If it was easy, then way more would have had these mounts than >1% of the playerbase.

It is almost as if you people are trying to convince yourselves that you didnt waste your time and your "efforts" should be met with admiration from others.

Ooh, I can be mean too. You are all the other people who didn't want to spend the time, dedication and effort to obtain these mounts are receiving the mount equivalent of a free meal ticket. You all couldn't do what was required to get the rarest mounts in the game, and because of this Blizzard has decided that the mounts that were once hailed as the hardest to obtain are now as easy to get as the Raven Lord mount. Mounts that you rarely ever saw, because they were owned by less than 1% of the playerbase, are now going to be as common as Onyxia or Invincible and no one is going to give them a second glance.

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