[WP] After 10 years to the minute since you met your SO, he/she looks at their watch and says, "Well my shift is over. See ya."

   As I swished the whiskey in circles aimlessly, I thought ten years already seemed rather quick. Let me back up a little as stepping in here would be rather confusing. Ten years and twenty four minutes ago, I was sitting here in this same spot. Well truth be told I think it might have been four spots over but that is neither here nor there at this point. I was thinking about how out of luck I had been for since as long as I remember, when almost like magic some says to me “hey you look a little down, penny for your thoughts?” So naturally being the smart ass I am started to rummage through my pockets for a penny and happened to find one. It was at this moment I actually looked away from the bar board and my internal turmoil to see one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. My first thought was this is a prank, has to be.
I tossed the penny stating you might be overcharged but we can all use I good laugh every now and again. I was meet with a genuine smile. One of those smile you know the other person can not fake. We stared at each other in silence for a moment that seemed to go on for an eternity.

“Well you did pay me for your thoughts.” “I apologize I forgot half of them let me see what I can dig up” Six hours and many laughs later, I walked home with a smile on my face and a phone number. I told myself, I am calling them tomorrow. Three days later, I finally accepting that this was a real event and had a real number and called to set up a date. And let me tell you, did we hit it off. It was like magic, the moment when you realize the place you are at is closing and have no memory of ever being there kind of magic. That date turned into several, which turned into seeing each other steady, which turned into us moving in together. Ten years in a flash, so many good times, fights, makeups, laughs, personal issues. I was truly undercharged for that penny. Then it happen. Exactly nine years, twenty three hours, and fifty debate something minutes since that day with the penny. I was greeted when I got home with a face of resolve. “It is almost time you know love?” “What do you mean almost time?” I said with a confused smile “You know you have been great, and I am really sorry about this” “What are you talking about” I said. Confusion had just let itself in and found the beer in the fridge before settling in on your sofa for a night. “It is the about to be the end of my shift. Look, I don't want you to blame yourself. My time here is almost up. Normally, I would just leave in a puff and you would question if I was ever here. Sometimes I get into a fight with you and then run away never to be seen again. But for you, I wanted to actually say goodbye.” “W-What” “I am really sorry. My time is up. You had ten years per the terms and agreement” “What terms and agreement?” I asked in between sadness and anger. “The one you no one ever reads but you signed when you tossed the penny, I was going to be here with you for exactly ten years no more no less. I wanted to say goodbye to you and thank you for everything.” “Oh” Sometimes wit tries and falls on its face and is to busy yelling at super ego to help you. “Goodbye now” And with that I watched the door close, rather open mouthed, and sat down. Somewhere between one minute and two universes later, I wept like I have never before in my life. Then I walked down to the same spot we first meet, and ordered a whiskey neat. Now then...As I swished the whiskey in circles aimlessly, I thought to myself ten years already seemed rather quick. It was then that two very distinct things happened. First, an incredibility ear splitting sound went off. Second, the voice of my partner for the last ten years was in my head. “You thought forever you couldn't do it, you learned you could. You learned some things about yourself you never knew. I thank you for everything. However, time is up Good-morning!” Alarms are a really pain sometimes. More so when the sun is in your face. I realized it was a new day. And I was ten minutes late.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread