[wp] after dying god informs you that hell is a myth, and "everyone sins, its ok". instead the dead are sorted into six "houses of heaven" based on the sins they chose.

I would watch the shit out of this movie, only don't tell anyone what it's really about. Let them find out.

  • Intro sequences and getting to know the cast a bit; where each person works, what their days are like... and it's all difficult, obnoxiously frustrating type Woody Allen style shit... people knocking over their coffees, tripping on a carpet, fumbling keys and dropping them in a deep icy puddle, spilling food on their shirts... just all those fucking avoidable yet irritating mistakes that life can be all about
  • First third of the film is about the guy living, pining after his best friends wife
  • They get closer and closer, she flirts... he flirts... the best friend notices... things get awkward but still tame enough
  • Best friend decides to find out if the two are having an affair, says he's going on a business trip and sets them up -- he goes in the morning and sneaks back home that night around 11pm
  • Best friend walks in on our protagonist and best friend's wife fucking passionately -- think of the most erotic love film and it's even better
  • They don't notice best friend is standing there... he goes down stairs and grabs his shotgun he has in a glass firearm case, loads it, we hear the CHCK-CHCK --- BOOOOOM (beat) death curdling scream from the wife CHCK-CHCK -- BOOOOOOM -- silence
  • Open on our guy; in the line to the pearly gates
  • God explains things and the protagonist gets a tour of each sin for one month; we could really have some fun with this part... he has to experience the sins, but for some reason, God is keeping PRIDE a secret
  • At any time, a person can "lock in" their heaven by banging a golden gong, so most people don't get to pride
  • During the scene where we are looking at wrath we see the best friend torturing the protagonist over and over again, but the best friend has aged -- Other little things like that could be added, although the protagonist is doubled in the scene... he sees himself getting tortured yet has no recollection of the events and doesn't feel anything as if that is just a mannequin
  • God cheats and says that in order to experience the pride heaven you have to decide if you will take one of the other heavens first, or if you will lock-in without witnessing it and that's when we get our big reveal... an empty room. The protagonist tries to get out of it but has already locked in... can't leave. Bored he starts creating worlds. That's when he notices God is sitting there, drinking some tea. Asks him if he'd like some. They talk. ROLL CREDITS.
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