[WP] You are transported to a world of magic. Your smartphone is your wand, but you can only cast spells based on the apps you already have installed.

Sweat dripped on the inside of my cloak, sending a shiver up my spine when the cold liquid made contact with skin. One minute I was in class reading my speech and a blink later I look up to see a million people cheering around me and a three headed beast five steps away.

I inched back, there was no way I could outrun the lion-dog thing and it was mad, real mad. I glanced to my right at the countdown, it was down to single digits now. The shouting dulled down and my thumping heart radiated into hot ears.

I checked my pockets -nothing. I checked around me -nothing. All I had was the clothes on my body and an Iphone 6 in my hand.

Use the Iphone.

The thought appeared in my mind of its own accord.

I glanced at the measly black square and then at the clock -3 seconds. "Give me a weapon! Or Something! Please!" I yelled at the audience.

The Iphone vibrated turning flourescent blue, the shape grew and materialised as a two handed sword with a skull on the hilt.

"Now we're talking!" I grinned at the savage beast.

"0!" the countdown numbers changed to "FIGHT."

Before I could lay eyes on the beast, I felt the air explode as it pounced. There was heated hatred on all three faces as it landed three steps away from me.

The space between us closed quickly. But this time I was ready and it felt like a spirit had woken inside of me. I wasn't sure if this was normal or some part of the worlds magic, but I knew that I could kill this beast and exactly how to do it.

The sword which was now a metallic red, it swung down of its own accord and sliced through the first head. Blood spattered towards me, a fountain of red goo that seeped into the fabric of my cloak and the stage.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread