[WP] You go back in time to 1930's Germany. Your mission is not to kill Hitler, but to change his mind.

"Right mate, can you stop all the genocide stuff right man, yeah?" The dictator of Germany gave me a puzzled look. "Yeah nah mate, it's what I do man, k?" I gave him a really disappointing look, I stared at the floor and turned my head slowly around to depart from the door. "wait mate, on seconds thought" I turned sharply on my heels. He spoke again. "Alright then mate, we'll give it a shot then, yeah?" Thrilled and overjoyed, I slapped him on the back. "Good on ya mate, I knew you'd come around some time, let's go grab a beer man".

Hours later I returned to my time machine and traveled back to my own time. I step out into the light and notice a crap-tonne of Super Mario advertisements and merchandise everywhere. A man with a strong Italian accent greeted me. Italian restaurants where everywhere, too, and the green, red and white of their flag was plastered everywhere.. "Dammit, I changed the past too much" I said. I stepped back in my time machine to convince old Mussolini to change his mind too.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread