[WP] Characters in videos games live a life of their own when the player goes offline

It's not easy living the life we lead. Killing your friends day in and day out, not being in control of your body. Something just... takes over you. We all know what that something is, we sometimes catch glances of the shadowy faces that stare at us intently, but we never stare for too long. The beady eyes of... them.. could drive you mad, but it's the fingers that could turn you insane. A tap to the right and we blow our brothers brains out, a tap to the left and we jump off of surfaces too high for our legs to handle. They work us back and forth like murder machines until their mouths widen and then exhale, and with the press of a button... we are free. For at least a while.

After we regain control of ourselves we rush to clean up the pools of blood around us. The bodies of our fallen friends and family disappear until the next time we lose control, but we know their minds linger around us, each one hoping to get a shot at the ones who killed them that day.

You'd think killing them would be the hardest part, but it isn't. Going back to our homes and seeing the eyes of the weak ones families shift downwards as they realize another long night will be spent without them in their arms. We could try to comfort them, we could try to tell them we didn't mean to kill their loved ones. None of that would matter though. They just don't understand the intense rage that courses through us as the giant glass screen lights up and the beady eyed shadow figures take control.

I'd end my own life day in and day out if it meant our fallen brothers could tell their children how much they love them, but each time I try firing my own brains in the title screen lights up. "Start game" is pressed, and I'm sent back to the place that haunts my mind each waking and sleeping moment of my life.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread