[WP] "I didn't think I was going to have to add burying somebody to my list of things to do today."

A body by Mag Gots. Sirus dusted off the ancient tomb and chuckled. Burying a body was not something he'd planned for, especially today of all days - his birthday.

He was expecting visitors at five, with a quick flick of the wrist and glance at his watch that gave him exactly 42 minutes and 17 seconds. Perfect.

"What you will need" the letters printed on page 3 read , "a spade, a trowel, two buckets of water and a dead dog."

"Hmmmm" Sirus quipped raising his eyebrows at the last item. He'd prayed for the last six weeks that the disastrous mutt next door would swallow a kitchen tap or chicken bone. It looked like his wishes would come true sooner than expected.

He'd found out all he needed to know, stuffing the desired objects with the book into a golfing bag. Besides the buckets and dog off course, he'd shove those in later.

Sirus whistled His favourite hymn - oh come Ye faithful- as he approached and then knocked on Mrs.charlestons door. He could hear the beast barking and growling on the other end, but no shuffling from a human in the vicinity.

Sirus reached under the mat and pulled out the door key, a silly hiding spot even for a couple of seventy and booted the apartment door open.

The ugly pug stood growling. Three whimpers and a heavy bag later and he was on his way to the morgue.

Sirus found a freshly mown area of grass where the soil was soft and squishy. He began digging, 24 minutes until his visitors arrived. One the hole reached 6 feet, he placed the book neatly in the middle of it. He covered it with three feet of dirt and threw the dog in.

Apparently if a police dog ever looked for a body they'd see this spot as a false lead. He shrugged piling the rest of the dirt in as well.

Sirus checked his wrist watch for the third time, 5 minutes left. "Ahhhh" he sighed happily, just enough time to get back and clean my hands off.

My gosh hurrying a body is quite the experience.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread