[WP] You discovered you could turn back time. You also discovered that it was the most addicitive thing in the world.

Binbou-yusuri. It was a term Attai had learned during his second visit to Japan in 1926. Glossed, it meant "jiggling one's leg." The nervous action of nodding your knee up and down in perfect rhythm. Attai caught himself doing just this quite frequently since learning the term. In Japan, it's always associated with poverty, homelessness -- always with a negative connotation. Everytime Attai found himself shaking his leg, he tried to force himself to stop. Try and force himself to not pay attention to the relapse. His longest progression forward in time was only a week. But what a rewarding week that was. He noticed a girl catching a soccer ball on the inside of her foot as if it were being magnetized to her and then slowly roll away from her. But something about the girl struck him. Since he frankly had all the time in the world, he decided to watch her. Watch her grow younger. Into her infancy and then trapped within her mother's womb and eventually into non-existence. He had watched others, too, of course, but it hurt him to see the girl never be born. So he stopped. He had to physically force hismelf to stop rewinding time. He watched the girl for the first seven days of her life. She had her whole life ahead of her. Attai was envious of how easy it was for her to live her life and then die. It was forced on her when there was progression. On everybody. Attai had lost his home, his family and friends, his entire life to the future. At this point he was far too gone back to live out his life and still meet them again -- even as the decrepit hermit he would might've seemed to be. All he new now is how much easier and euphoric rewinding time was. He didn't even have to physically force time to rewind. It merely happened as he willed it. And at his will, time symmetrically inverted. During this inversion, he didn't age, he didn't even exist. Only a gray, observable world around him existed. And letting go of his rewinding meant inching towards death and that fact terrified Attai. And so that's how Attai continued on. Observing history. He was able to explore many parts of Earth that hadn't even been known about at the time (since he didn't actually exist while time was being rewound, he was easily able to cross seas). He saw America before it was discovered by the Europeans. He watched the crusades, he watched the fall of Rome as it actually happened. And then it was today. He let his rewinding go in order to talk to someone. The year is now -- or rather, 'was' -- 32 AD. Binbou-yusuri. He couldn't help it anymore. He didn't want to continue on like this for reverse-eternity and now was his only hope. After discretely changing his clothes, he looked out the window of the house he had taken refuge in. A crowd was gathering outside. Attai ran outside and shoved through the crowd. "Jesus!" he shouted, "Please! Heal me!" The crowd looked at Attai with much confusion as he spoke in tongues, but Jesus answered the man and said in englsh, "Who are you to ask this of me? I am the Son of God. I do not grant wishes as many think I do. It is through sincere belief and faith of the heart that you will be saved." The crowd watching Attai then saw him vanish as he let go of progression once again, this time in shock. Attai had heard the sunday school stories. Jesus heals the people who need healing. Perhaps that is not the way it works? Sincerity and of the heart. Belief and faith. Was there a difference between belief and faith. Was this man really what he said he was? He had the rest of the beginning of time to ponder. During that time, Attai payed special attention to the Israelites, supposedly God's 'chosen people.' He witnessed Sodom and Gomorrah burned to the grown, he saw the tower of Babel being deconstructed, not destroyed, but built in reverse. He obsevered, also, the flood and the mass of animals Noah acquired. He saw that serpent coil and slither and force humanity will against God's. Eve returned to dust and took her original place with Adam. The animals on the land slowly returned to water and the trees and vegetation shrink back into the ground. He saw the sun and moon plucked from the sky, leaving only light and dark with no source. The land from beneath his feet began receding underneath the waters. Then the water and atmosphere disappeared as if sucked into a vacuum. And then there was nothing. But in the beginning, the very beginning, there was God.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread