[WP] The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago. Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again. You are the first new human growing up in a completely alien society.

It's funny, I have read all of these history transograms on my kind and it seems as though the everyman's biggest struggle was fitting in. Almost half a millennium later and I can still relate to my kind.

They didn't have many transograms from earth when I was, well, synthesized but since my existence their interest in earth has jumped. All they really had were skeletons when they made me. I have seen drawings of the classic human and they had eyes and ears. I don't have those. Cartilidge doesn't fossilize well. You will have those though, so I won't talk too much about how much plain holes on my face suck.

I am going to try and make it better for you. Life is just a science experiment to them. I was the first, you are second. You only have a couple months left in your incubation chamber until you are a man.

I won't let them do it. What they did to me. What they want to do to you. It is just going to get worse as the numbers get higher and they want to push the limits. I can't let them do it.

What I want to do -- what I'm going to do. It's for us, for you. If anything goes wrong, forgive me.
I don't know you but I love you because you are like me. Signing off, Human 000-00-0001

Months later, at the completion of human 000-00-0002, an explosion erupted from within the observation room. All of the managers of the human genome project were eliminates. Human 000-00-0002 left his incubation chamber to a large splatter of dark red too and only felt terror. Guards showed up and the human's head was quickly changed into what looked like a red inside of a pumpkin from the nose up. All he felt during his time was terror, and he fit in to this world much better than human 000-00-0001 ever did.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread