[WP] You just picked up No Man's Sky. After several hours of playing, you stumble upon a familiar planet. Apparently they recreated Earth and you found it. As you fly down to the surface to observe, landing near what appears to be your home, you hear the sounds of a spaceship landing outside...

New Game

Josh sat back in his chair and slurped the Raman and eggs he had prepared for himself. No Man's Sky, and affording a new game, was a special occasion for him but it didn't merit a classy meal. "Poor Man's Meal" bounced around in his head as he pondered the level and sort of excitement these games provide to people that are too poor to visit exotic places but fortunate enough to afford this lifestyle at least. He wondered how exotic and exciting the game would feel really. The unrest of whether he should be childishly giddy or knowledgeably critical waged inside as the game loaded. 
Launch!  After a while he was exploring. It 

was exciting and, God damn, it was beautiful. Some work later he managed to jump into a new star system. After exiting warp speed he was greeted with a sight that gave him pause. Knowing gas giants were common he was not too taken aback but this one looked a lot like Jupiter. More striking, right after this "Jupiter" was a "Saturn". He traced the planets inward and after a little piloting, sure enough, an "Earth".

Josh frantically scrambled for his cell phone and tapped at it.

"Sean you've got to get the fuck over here, now!"

"Well that's quite a greeting."


/r/WritingPrompts Thread