[WP] Leonardo DiCaprio is actually an evil warlock who needs to obtain a rare mineral in order to complete a dark ritual. The only source of this mineral is found inside an Academy Award. You are part of an ancient order sworn to deny Leonardo an Academy Award, at any cost.

It was here. He had done it. As some of the last of my people, as the proud member of a line going back three generations when the first Academy Awards were held, I knew that I was the one chosen to face the Dark Master's worst attacks. The Revenant? How had he done it? I had thought myself prepared going into the theaters to witness some evil but that? Where had he discovered the spell to make that performance? Create that spell?

It mattered not. The Dark Master was not going to succeed this time. My people had held off his attacks so far, not balking even if awed. They were not going to fail this time. Seven of my order had been dispatched by the High Commander to make sure that the creature masquerading as Leonardo DiCaprio was not going to win an Oscar. We had a weapon of our own. Tom Hardy was the weapon of whom Leo had thought naught.

"Give Hardy the Supporting Actor and honor The Revenant's true star". Seven mouths whispered the words in the seven levels of the Academy. DiCaprio was going to fail and Hardy's star was about to rise. We had done this before. What was this one more time? I remember not feeling entirely convinced by that. If only I had listened to my instincts.

Three of the order died. The Academy would have it not. Leo would not be denied. 2016 was to be his coronation. The High Commander had seen it coming. Every year more people were lost who were there for the pact. The pact to make sure Leo never got his Oscar was almost forgotten. Tom Hardy satisfied them not. And so three men, in their quest to keep Leo away, gave their lives in strengths of their arguments. Hoping their blood would convince where words did not. The sacrifice made Hardy no more palatable.

And so now was the last gamble made. One last saving of Matt Damon. Getting him the Oscar over Leo in a decision that would have been called hasty just two years ago. Sandra Bullock may have failed but if surviving on another planet may just tip the scales in his favor. It was worth it. And if not a little more blood would be given, praying the Academy deems the sacrifice worthy.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread