[WP] Observatories across the world began to report the disappearance of distant stars. We eventually realized that they weren't going out - their light was being eclipsed by something.

It was around 12 on a Tuesday when the world fell into shambles. News of the various constellations that disappeared night after night spread across the globe like a virus contracted by the media's incessant need to cough in its face. But this was no fear mongering. This was something new. Something that left everyone from blue collar workers to the earth's greatest minds scratching their heads. This was something that hung its evidence overhead every time the sky became dark, and it was progressing too fast for humanity to wrap its collective head around.

First the Dippers departed and the public cities blamed light pollution. Then the Leos left and science thought the stars had burned out. Then the Ursas abandoned us and the churches spoke of an oncoming end. It wasn't until Orion went AWOL that people began to see a shape in the encompassing emptiness. As the weeks went by and tensions tightened, the sky became lightless and theories embedded in worried whispers told in the dead of night swore the blackness was a familiar shape, but they couldn't quite put their finger on it.

The nights bled into the mornings, as the days' sky gradually turned from a rich blue to a colour that looked unmistakeably flesh-like, which then eventually faded to black. The earth's surface shook with angry and fearful arguments in a chorus of dialects. Infrastructure and windows rattled in tandem. Tides became furious storms of blackened waves. People began to perpetually fall off balance as the planet churned, yet still they stormed the streets inciting riots and turning their distress into ideological battles, despite each opinion concluding that this was the earth's last hours. As the chaos reached its apex, the world was met with a crack of light returning to the sky. The sight of the almost forgotten relic of human spirit brought the hysteria to a halt. Some dropped to their knees and prayed. Some froze in fear of the quickly approaching armageddon. The light grew bigger, blinding thousands of tearful eyes. The dark sky became overwhelmed with white ethereal luminescence.

Billions of of lightyears above, Xuneth had finally got its bag of candy opened. It brought a handful of the brightly coloured sugary spheres to its mouth as an episode of So You Think You Can Blork was broadcasted inside its head.

Wrote this pretty fast but I wanted to try something weird for this. Let me know what you think

/r/WritingPrompts Thread