[WP] You have a power that you are not aware of. If you believe something to be true, you are able to warp reality to make it true.

Wasted potential.

There is nothing worse than when somebody has all the tools, all the opportunities, and still manages to do nothing with it. I live my life under the motto that I can do anything I set my mind to, and it's a shame that very few people seem to share my point of view. People whine and complain that life isn't fair instead of actually going out into the world and trying. I have never blamed anyone else for my shortcomings in my entire life, something that can not be said for most others.

I didn't have an easy life, I was born to a single mother in a poor neighbourhood. Even though she had no money to spend on me, Mom taught me that I could do great things. She told me if I only believed in myself that I could accomplish anything.

So I did.

People tried to tell me I wouldn't amount to anything, but I never let it get to me. I knew, deep down, that I would succeed in life. All it took for me to become the man that I am today was to focus on the task at hand and believe I could do it.

That is why this new generation of lazy, entitled brats really gets under my skin. I worked for everything I had in life, absolutely nothing was handed to me. I worked for everything I have and never complained once. These kids today think they can ask for things and never put in the work. It disgusts me.

I have come to grips with the fact that our world is doomed. With the horrid leaders we have today and the incoming crop of brain-dead children to replace them in the future, we have no hope. I believe that in 10 years our planet and every living thing on it will be dead. This is the sad reality I have come to accept.

This revelation haunted me at first, but I have come to peace with it. When we inevitably blow each other up I can die knowing that none of this is my fault. If only more people were like me.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread