[WP] Star Wars is a true story. An alien comes to Earth to make first contact with our newly discovered species, only to discover we know more about their universe's history than they do.

Wouldn't this be more like Star Trek is real? Because in Star Wars they say nothing about preserving life on planets and letting them advance naturally while in Star Trek that's one of the objectives in exploring the outer universe.

If Star Wars was real that would be a lot more interesting though because depending on the species that visits our world I would like to see how they interpret the Force. Seeing as how the rest of the universe views it as a guiding entity in life with the power to affect our minds in different ways, a little like a destiny but almost a tangible physical thing because we are able to manipulate it. Where as another civilization on a planet that has not had contact with the rest of the universe might view those beings who poses the ability to manipulate the force as gods and they could have an entirely different perspective on societal ranks and structure.

Then visiting another planet where people who poses the abilities of their gods are sort of just everyday folk who fight crime. Their world would be shattered and most likely a revolution would start on their planet when the people find out their gods are not truly gods, unless their leaders pull a Kim jun un and keep their planet in solitude about the rest of the universe. It would be interesting

/r/WritingPrompts Thread