[WP] There's a dead pixel in the sky.

On Mach 3rd, 2015, the sky turned black. Well, a part of it at least. If you looked closely, you could see a little black spot in that vast sea of blue. First to find out were the astronomers. Then word spread around the internet and eventually this issue was being spoken about on tv news. Soon the government was even planning high altitude missions to go investigate. On May 20th, 2015, they sent up their first mission.

Tonight on WSBQ 9:00 news. History changed today. What transpired today is the single most important event in human history.
In what was meant to be an investigative mission, NASA sent a high altitude plane to the fabled "black spot" to see just what it was exactly. The plane sent back radio chatter and images. We are about to show you the unedited radio transmission from the aircraft. What you are about to hear may be disturbing.

Maj. Coulter: Approaching target height.
Col. Wilson: Roger. Leveling out.
Maj. Coulter: 10,000 feet from target.
Col. Wilson: Roger. Shit it's cloudy today.
Maj. Coulter: Well they sure ain't making this job easy. 3,000 feet from target. There's a cloud in the way. Once we pass through that we should get a visual.
Col. Wilson: Roger
Maj. Coulter: And we're through the clou- Mother of god
Col. Wilson: Uhh... Mission Control? I'm sending an image. You really want to see this.
Maj. Coulter: Engines down! Losing altitude!
Col. Wilson: Shit shit! Pull up!
**Maj. Coulter
: Mayday! Mayday! We're going dow-

End Transmission

We have made contact. They are not peaceful. The president is sending out a call to arms. Every able bodied man and woman must report to Washington DC immediately to prepare for the first interstellar war. Citizens are advised to visit their loved ones and pray.
This is WSBQ Nightly News. Signing off.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread