[WP] Today everyone woke up with price tags floating over their heads, indicating the value of their life. Your tag is $50Tn, the biggest by far, and you have no idea why.

"Some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. Though I was born into prominence, it was my ruthless business acumen that allowed me to expand the corporate empire that my forefathers began. Then, greatness was not merely 'thrust' upon me. My $50 Tn price tag, which others wryly attribute to inheritance, is a result of the principles I have followed, and the actions I have taken. Besides, what can those detractors say about a man who not only generated untold wealth for this country, but provided others less fortunate with a means to live a middle-class lifestyle. I can only be reminded of my father's favorite saying: 'just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had'. History, as it has done in the past, will tell of my successes."

I put down my pen to address the knocking: "Yes?" Charles, one of my chief advisors on the board, barges in. As usual, his frantic pace belies his frantic demeanor. "What is it this time, Charles?"

"Sir, our stock is falling by the minute. The labor protests have turned to riots, our factories have been closed for almost a week, and the stockholders demand answers!"

"Charles, will you ever learn!" Perhaps not, as his $1 Tn tag reveals the deficiencies I was not born with. My father's words, "Remember the advantages...", cools my temper. I let out a sigh, stand up from my desk, and look into the giant diamond-embroidered mirror opposite the wall. It was the same mirror my father looked into, and my father's father, as they contemplated the decisions that would launch our family to eminence. Once again, a member of the Rockwell family would demonstrate the ruthless resolve to capitalist principles. For some reason, there seemed to be a glitch, my tag read an incorrect number. Such things happen from time to time however. It did not deter my train of thought: "Charles, history shows us the correct course of action. It was Carnegie that forged a legacy all capitalists should strive to follow. Did his resolve falter in the face of conflict? Was his inner confidence shaken, when --- Charles, are you even listening to me? What's that look on your face?" His facetious expression puzzled me.

His bemused expression evaporated: "I am sorry sir, it's nothing. Is there any course of action you have in mind?"

"No Charles, nothing except to dig deeper into the trenches."

"Understood, sir. Might I suggest you tune into the evening news." And with that, he made an exit just as swift as his entrance.

"Why did he make that face?" I walked down stairs and flip on the television to watch the news. My stomach drops as the reporter breaks the main story:

"Today IEC, the International Evaluation Committee has discovered a widespread error in their system that remained undetected for several decades. They have updated the tags of millions of individuals worldwide to reflect the correct valuation of these individuals." Crushed, I realized that the value I had seen in the mirror, $ -50 Bn, was not a glitch. Before I had time to think further, the telephone rang. It was Charles.

"Hello Mr. Rockwell. I would like to thank you for your service to this company and, on behalf the board, wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors..."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread