[WP] I won't let you fall, as low as I have.

It's been a while since I've written. I wasn't sure what to say. I know you often wonder what's become of me, and I wish I could comfort you with tales of my adventures and stories of my life, but I know it would do little to furnish you with the comfort we both want you to have. I can tell you that I regularly think about you. Where you are now, and what you are doing. I think about how we once were. What our lives once entailed. All that seems so very long ago, now. You still hold a special place inside me. The only place I have that is not filled with disquiet, and it is committed to you.

We know the mistakes I have made. The promises broken, and dates and arrangements missed. We know the seas of sadness through which I have dragged not only you, but also family and friends. I have somehow, beyond all reason, burned more bridges than I have built.

I need you to be strong. I need you to flourish and live, whether it is despite or in spite of me, I want you to be happy and fulfilled. I don't want to you live your life wondering about me. But in the quiet moments, when you do I want you to remember this; I don't want you to fall as low as I have. I won't let you fall, as low as I have. You are better than me. You are everything I was not, and could never be.

You are the me, I wish I could be.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread