[WP] Write a story about something you don't understand. Do NO research. Make everything up as you go.

"there's absolutely no chance, no chance at all"

"Well listen, Sarge, I really don't know if I'm who you should be talking to about all this. I mean - this stuff about coming out and.. I just don't think it's something I could help with"

"Now private that's an order"

"Sarge I'm just saying I don't know how to help you. And for your sake I'd really think you'd be best asking from someone who knew a bit more than me"

"What's this 'for your sake' business? Are you threatening me, private?"

"... Nno-nono-no, Sargent! I didn't mean it like that... Okay, right... Okay... Now... if it's really all as important as you've done made it to be, then the least that I can do is give you my opinion on the matter"

"Yesss-sir. Now that's what I like to hear!"

The Sargent paused for a second - looking off into space.

Then he continued, "Right - private. So if I DO tell the misses then she'll be gone like a Bigalow from a bear. I need to tell her i'm, err, a homosexual - without her thinking I'm not attracted to her."

"Um, Sarge? I'm not sure I understand?"

"Well you see... It's just that... The Misses... How do I put this?"

I stayed silent.

Then he continued, "Let's say it like this then. Just because she's a misses doesn't mean she doesn't satisfy a gay man. I'm still attracted to her because of her, uh, masculine nature..."

I didn't know what to say to the Sarge.

"Sarge, I really don't know what to say".

"Private, I don't want to have to remind you that this is an order!"

"But... Sarge?"

"My god private", the Sarge said, "You're more useless than a round of bees in a Brooklyn Bar... in the daytime!

Right - private. Back to your quarters. We're shipping you off tomorrow. Double 3 on the dot"

And with that, I was on my way.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread