[WP] You're an amputee at the elbow. Your doctor tells you that you might experience Phantom Limb every now and then. But you are not prepared for the moment when a hand tightly holds your missing limb.

I woke up unaware of where I was or how long I'd been asleep. Bright, white light was all around my face. When I looked to the right I saw an empty chair; when I looked to the left, an empty couch. I wracked my brain for reasons as to why if be in a hospital, but I couldn't think of a reason. A nurse walked in a door to my left; I craned my head in that direction. The nurse looked at me and smiled. "How are you feeling, Mr. Lindzmeier?" She inquired. I tried to open my mouth to answer, but felt an immovable force around my teeth. I strained, audibly. The nurse said, "That's okay. No need to work yourself up." She took my vitals and left the room after some more smiles and a few more shallow words of encouragement fit for a child. I cringed with her every word. I never wanted to be in this position and I still don't know what's going on.

I strained my neck and scooted up in my hospital bed. That's when I noticed the two missing fingers on my right hand. What could've cause this? Then I looked to my left hand. Or, rather, what should've been my left hand. There was nothing there. My left arm was missing from the elbow down. What the fuck?! How could that nurse not've mentioned that my fucking arm was missing?! What happened?! Why am I here?!

I woke up unaware of where I was or how long I'd been asleep. Bright, white light was all around my face. I looked to the left and saw the blank wall of my bedroom. I looked to the right and saw my desk and the clutter that had built up on my computer chair. My dog whimpered and licked my face. "Hey, bubba," I said, patting his head and kissing his nose. "You wanna go out?" I said to him, watching him shake the entire lower half of his body. I propped myself up on the elbow of my right arm and rubbed Scout with what was left of my left arm. "Ready, Bubba?" I asked. He sprinted towards the door.

Outside in the grass Scout wandered around sniffing each tuft that stuck up with a little more vigor than the rest. I walked him around waiting for him to relieve himself so I could go back upstairs. My wife walked up behind me, grabbed my left hand and kissed my neck. I looked over at her and smiled. "Hey honey," I said and kissed her lips. She looked at Scout as she gripped my hand tightly. "I love our little family," she said as she looked at me with her smiling eyes. "I did too," I responded.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread