[WP] You're Hell's travel agent, trying to match vacationing demons with good candidates for demonic possession.

"Good morning, we're here for our vacation on earth" Julius exclaimed excitedly. In the chair across from him set a slimy creature bearing the name tag "Jennisfer". "What do you mean 'we'? You can't go in pairs sir" Jennisfer was visibly annoyed as she got back to browsing Hellbook. "Well Miss.....Jennifer, you see my wife and I have been dreaming of visiting earth together and we would be so appreciative if you accommodate our poor souls" Julius was visibly nervous as he waited for a response. "What did you call me?" Jennisfer paused as she stared Julius down. "Ummm....I thought the S was a typo on your name tag so I called you Jennifer" Julius' wife Marsha nervously removed her face bandage as she indicated to Julius that he should apologize. Jennisfer quickly intervened "No! It is NOT a typo. It is my name. J - E - N - N - I - S - F - E - R.....but the S is silent" Julius was confused and relieved as he blurted out his next question "Oh well then why did you.." "SILENCE!" Jennisfer exclaimed. "I've found a couples package for you". Julius anxiously awaited to hear the good news as his wife adjusted her left horn, which was held by an elastic "You will occupy the bodies of James and Marsha Smith, a couple sentenced to a lifetime sentence of manual labour in the mine-shafts shovelling coal into a furnace" Julius nervously jumped up as he identified too many similarities with his current life "But this is no vacation! and why shovel coal into a furnace inside a mine? Is it a train mine? A mine that is also a train?!" As Julius finished his sentence his physique morphed from that of a poorly groomed monster to that of a poorly groomed human with a face full of coal and a pocket full of rocks. "Damn it".

/r/WritingPrompts Thread