Xanax mega thread - you're only allowed to post in this thread about any 'bartard' stories

Not really full bartard mode but one time I made Taco Cereal on 120mg Temazepam & 30mg Ambien... Very glad I can't remember what it tasted like tbh.

Almost stabbed a bum once on 2mg xanax and 5mg Ambien. I was walking thru my neighborhood on a Friday night to go to the liquor store to satisfy my xanax/Ambien induced munchies of course... Well I got there and outside the store some old and obviously quite drunk homeless dude, he asked me if I could spare a few dollars, I told him no (only had like $7 with me lol). So I walked in the store and walked out with a bag full of junk food and I walk off. The homeless guy sees me with the stuff and follows me behind the store, runs up on me and gets in my face talking all loud and talking shit literally inches from my face. I told him to back the fuck up and he punched me in my chin... At this point a little bit of raged kicked in and I reached in my pocket where I kept my [http://www.coldsteel.com/voyager-vaquero-x-lg-plain-edge.html](HUGE folding pocket knife.) I whipped it out with force and held it up to his chest, at which point he tried to run so I just tripped the fucker and when he got back up he tried to apologize and I just backhanded the shit out of him as hard as I could and he ran off into the night never to be seen again...

Had I taken 1 more bar that night I'd probably be chilling in jail right now for murder or some shit. Smh.

/r/Drugs Thread